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Ms. Maggie Kuchonde Participates in an Early Childhood Conference

As part of the growing research initiatives in Early Childhood Development (ECD) at the University of Malawi (UNIMA) and in her capacity as a member of the Africa Early Childhood Network (AFECN), Maggie Kuchonde, a Lecturer in ECD within the Department of Human Ecology and Agricultural Sciences at UNIMA, attended the East African Regional Early Childhood Conference held at the Julius Nyerere International Conference Centre in Dar es Salaam from March 11 to 14, 2024. The conference, organised by AFECN and the Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN), was supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The theme was “Investing in Early Childhood: Building Human Capital along the Life Course.”

At the conference, Kuchonde presented her research paper “Community Involvement in Improving Literacy Skills in Malawi.” Her study, which focuses on enhancing early literacy skills among preschoolers by empowering parents, caregivers, and communities to develop local literacy resources, received positive feedback from fellow researchers. This feedback acknowledged the research’s value and encouraged further exploration and the establishment of new collaborative opportunities.

The conference, designed to be highly interactive, featured a diverse range of topics and formats. These included panel discussions, Q&A sessions, presentations, videos, and booths. This comprehensive approach provided a rich learning experience, covering everything from prioritising early childhood policies and programs to sharing leadership experiences and best practices from East African countries and strengthening social protection through a lifecycle approach to family and child support.


Following the conference, Kuchonde undertook a learning visit to the Children in Crossfire (CIC) programs in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma from March 15 to 24, 2024. CIC focuses on supporting young children’s development and school readiness. The visit allowed Kuchonde to gain insights into best practices from CIC and explore potential partnership opportunities. She is confident that this exchange visit has bolstered the University of Malawi’s presence in ECD programming and research, paving the way for future collaborations.