Cosmo Ngongondo, PhD
Professor of Earth Sciences
Department of Geography, Earth Sciences and Environment

Brief profile
Cosmo Ngongondo is CRAFS’s Director and a Professor of Earth Sciences in the Department of Geography,
Earth Sciences and Environment at the University of Malawi, where he also serves as the Executive Dean of the School of Natural
and Applied Sciences. Cosmo holds a PhD in Hydrology, Hydrological Analysis and Modelling from the University of Oslo in Norway.
His research interests are in the scientific assessments of the impacts of climate change in critical areas such as water resources,
forestry, agricultural production and human health.
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- Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Evance Mwathunga, Mafaniso Hara, Maryking Mwinuka, Felistus Chipungu (2023). The role of formal institutions in drinking water provision to marginalised and vulnerable households during Covid-19 pandemic in Malawi, southern Africa. Utilities Policy.
- Isaac Kadono Mwalwimba, Mtafu Zeleza Manda, Cosmo Ngongondo (2023). Measuring vulnerability to assess households resilience to flood risks in Karonga District, Malawi. Natural Hazards.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Thokozani Mtewa, Zuze Dulanya, Lucy Mtilatila (2023). Changes in Temperature Extremes over Malawi during 1961 to 2015 .
- Oscar Kambombe, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi,, Levis Eneya. (2023). Investigating human-induced threat to hydrological regime of Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. Appl Water Sci 13, 161.
- Ellasy Gulule Chimimba, Cosmo Ngongondo, Chengxiu Li, Bernard Minoungua, Maurice Monjerezi, Levis Eneya (2023). Characterisation of Dry Spells for Agricultural Application in Malawi. SN Appl. Sci. 5, 199. .
- Catherine Tlotlo Kerapetse, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, Webster Gumindoga, Cosmo Ngongondo, Justin Sheffield (2023). A model-based groundwater recharge zone mapping for food security in semi-arid area: A case study of Notwane sub- catchment in Botswana. Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 131.
- Maurice Monjerezi, Justin Temwani Ng’ambi, Joseph Atehnkeng, Cosmo Ngongondo, Ephraim Vunain, Connel Ching’anda, Alejandro Ortega-Beltran,Peter J. Cotty,Limbikani Matumba, R. Bandyopadhyay (2022). Micro-climatic variations across Malawi have a greater influence on contamination of maize with aflatoxins than with fumonisins. Mycotoxin Research, Springer Nature.
- • Zhou, Y., Ngongondo, C. & Nils Roar Sælthun (2022). Hydrological extremes in a changing environment: modeling and attribution analysis. Hydrology Research 53 (7), iii-v, .
- Zuzani, P., Ngongondo, C., Mwale, F. & Willem, P. (2022). Evaluation of the CMIP5 GCM rainfall simulation over the Shire River Basin in Malawi. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 10.21203/
- Miriam Dalitso Joshua, Emma Tompkins, Kate Schreckenberg, Cosmo Ngongondo, Esther Gondwe, Sosten Chiotha (2022). Water policy and resilience of potable water infrastructure to climate risks in rural Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts A/B/C, 127,
- Chengxiu Liu, Ellasy Chimimba, Oscar Kambombe, Luke A. Brown, Tendai Polite Chibarabada, Yang Lu, Cosmo Ngongondo, Levis Eneya, Justin Sheffield, Jadu Dash (2022).Earth observation enables maize yield estimation for intercropped smallholder fields in southern Africa. Remote Sensing 14(10),2458;
- Yanlai Zhou, Shenglian Guo,Chong-Yu Xu, Lihua Xiong, Hua Chen, Cosmo Ngongondo, Lu Li (2021). Probabilistic interval estimation of design floods under non-stationary conditions by an integrated approach. Hydrology Research,
- • Annatoria Chinyama, Bloodless Rimuka Dzwairo, Jean-Marc Mwenge Kahinda, Maurice Monjerezi, Theresa Mkandawire, Cosmo Ngongondo (2021). Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 124, Part 1,103068, (Journal Editorial).
- Chengxiu Li, Matt Kandel, Daniela Anghileri, Francis Oloo, Oscar Kambombe, Tendai Polite Chibarabada, Cosmo Ngongondo, Justin Sheffield, Jadu Dash (2021). Recent changes in cropland area and productivity indicate unsustainable cropland expansion in Malawi. Environmental Research Letters.
- Oscar Kambobe, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Levis Eneya, Clement Boyce (2021). Spatio-temporal analysis of droughts in the Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
- Lusungu Nkhoma, Cosmo Ngongondo, Zuze Dulanya, Maurice Monjerezi (2021). Evaluation of Integrated Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on River Flow Regime in Wamkurumadzi River, Shire Basin in Malawi. IWA Journal of Water and Climate Change.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Yanlai Zhou, Chong-Yu Xu (2020). Multivariate framework for the assessment of key forcing to Lake Malawi levels variations in non-stationary frequency analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 593 (One of the Most Downloaded Articles).
- Laura Kelly, Douglas Bertram, Robert Kalin, Cosmo Ngongondo, Hyde Sibande (2020) National assessment of groundwater discharge (baseflow) in Malawi. American Journal of Water Science and Engineering 6(1): 39-49.
- Laura Kelly, Douglas Bertram, Robert Kalin, Cosmo Ngongondo (2019). Characterization of Groundwater Discharge to Rivers in the Shire River Basin, Malawi. American Journal of Water Science and Engineering 5(4): 127-138.
- Benjamin Mapani, Hodson Makurira, Lapologang Magole, Maideyi Meck, Theresa Mkandawire Marloes Mul, Cosmo Ngongondo (2019). Integrated Water Resources Development and Management: Innovative Technological Advances for water security in Eastern and Southern Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 112:1-2. (Journal Editorial).
- Nafiseh Haghtalab, Nathan Moore, Cosmo Ngongondo (2019). Precipitation Pattern Analysis and Rainy Season Change Detection over Malawi. Regional Environmental Change.
- • Petros Zuzani, Cosmo Ngongondo, Faides Mwale, Patrick Willems (2019). Examining Trends of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes in the Shire River Basin in Malawi, Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 112: 91–102.
- Benjamin Mapani, Hodson Makurira, Lapologang Magole, Maideyi Meck, Theresa Mkandawire, Marloes Mul, Cosmo Ngongondo (2018). Innovative Solutions for Intractable Water Problems in the Face of Climate Change in Southern and East African Sub Regions. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 105:1–2. (Journal Editorial).
- Benjamin Mapani, Hodson Makurira,Lapologang Magole, Maideyi Meck,Theresa Mkandawire,Marloes Mul, Cosmo Ngongondo (2018). Integrated water resources management and infrastructure planning for water security in Southern Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 100: 1-2. (Journal Editorial).
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Fellistus Chipungu, Maurice Monjerezi, Emma Liwenga, Amos E. Majule, Tanya Stathers, Richard Lamboll (2016). Climate Change In Semi-Arid Malawi: Perceptions, Adaptation Strategies And Water Governance Challenges In Mphampha Village, Chikwawa District, Southern Malawi, Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 8(3), a255. .
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Evance Mwathunga, Emma Liwenga, Tanya Stathers, Fellistus Chipungu, Richard Lamboll, Amos Majule, Stella Ndau, (2015). Implications of Climate Change Risks on Rural-Urban Agricultural and Food Flows in Blantyre City, Malawi. South African Association of Public Administration and Management, Special Edition on Green Economy and Local Government: Towards Resource Efficient and Climate Responsive African Settlements 15(1): 125-141.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Chong-Yu Xu, Lena M. Tallaksen, Berhanu Alemaw (2015). Observed and simulated changes in the water balance components over Malawi during 1971-2001. Quaternary International 369:7-16.
- Shamiso Najira, Maurice Monjerezi, Cosmo Ngongondo, Henry Mloza Banda. (2014). Hydrological and water quality characteristics of rivers feeding into small earth dams for rural water supply: A case study of Traditional Authority Kalolo in Lilongwe District. Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 59-79..
- Mavuto Chimtengo, Cosmo Ngongondo, Michael Tumbare, Maurice Monjerezi (2014). Analysing changes in water availability to assess environmental water requirements in the Rivirivi River Basin, southern Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 67–69:202–213.
- Emmanuel Nkomwa, Miriam Kalanda- Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Felistus Chipungu (2014). Assessing Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture: A Case Study of Chagaka Village, Chikhwawa, Southern Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 67–69: 164–172.
- Noor, F.A.R., Roslinazairimah, Z., Ngongondo, C., Muhammad, A.A. (2014). A Regional Frequency Analysis of Annual Maximum Rainfall in Terengganu, Malaysian Peninsula using the Index Rainfall and L-moments Approaches. IMT-GT ICMSA 2014, 667-674..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Lena M. Tallaksen, Chong-Yu Xu (2014). Growing season length and rainfall extremes analysis in Malawi. Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Publications 363:361-365.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Lu Li, Lebing Gong, Chong-Yu Xu, Berhanu Alemaw (2013). Flood frequency under changing climate in the upper Kafue River basin, Southern Africa: A large scale hydrological model application. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 27:1883-1898.
- Lu Li, Cosmo Ngongondo, Lebing Gong, Chong-Yu Xu (2013). Comparison of the global TRMM and WFD precipitation datasets on large-scale hydrological modelling in southern Africa. Hydrology Research 45(5): 770-788.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Chong-Yu Xu, Lena M. Tallaksen, Berhanu Alemaw (2013). Evaluation of the FAO Penman-Montheith, Priestly-Taylor and Hargreaves models for estimating reference evapotranspiration in southern Malawi, Hydrology Research 44(4): 707-722.
- Amos Majule, Tanya Stathers, Richard Lamboll, Emma T. Liwenga., Cosmo Ngongondo, Miriam Kalanda-Joshua (2013). Enhancing capacities of individuals, institutions and organizations to adapt to climate change in agricultural sector using innovation system approaches in Tanzania and Malawi. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 1 (6): 220-231..
- Maurice Monjerezi, Cosmo Ngongondo (2012). Quality of Groundwater Resources in Chikhwawa, Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. Water Quality, Exposure and Health 4(1):39-53. (Once a most downloaded paper from the journal)..
- Ruth Kalinga-Chirwa, Cosmo Ngongondo, Miriam Kalanda–Joshua, Lawrence Kazembe,Dylo Pemba, Elina Kululanga (2011). Linking rainfall and irrigation to clinically reported malaria cases in some villages in Chikhwawa District, Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36 (14-15):887–894.
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Lucy Chipeta, Francis Mpembeka, (2011). Integrating indigenous knowledge with conventional science: enhancing localized climate and weather forecasts in Nessa, Mulanje, Malawi. Physics and Chemistry ofthe Earth 36 (14-15): 996-1003.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Chong-Yu Xu, Lena M. Tallaksen, Berhanu Alemaw, Tobias Chirwa (2011). Regional Frequency Analysis of rainfall extremes in Southern Malawi using the index rainfall and L-Moments approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25:939–955.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Chong-Yu Xu, Lars Gottschalk, Berhanu Alemaw (2011). Evaluation of spatial and temporal characteristics in Malawi: A case of data scarce region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 106:79–93. (Once a most downloaded paper from the journal)..
- Michael B. Dolozi, Leonald S.N. Kalindekafe, Cosmo Ngongondo, Zuze Dulanya, 2011. A comparative analysis of the distribution, composition and geochemistry of surface sediments in the Linthipe and Songwe River Deltas of Lake Malawi. Journal of African Earth Sciences 60: 93–105.
- Deborah Mbano, Jacinta Chinseu, Cosmo Ngongondo, Eston Sambo, Marloes Mul (2009). Impacts of rainfall and forest cover change on runoff in small catchments: A case Study of Mulunguzi and Namadzi Catchment Areas in Southern Malawi with, Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 9 (1):11-17..
- Samson Sajidu, F. Masumbu, Emanuel Fabiano, Cosmo Ngongondo (2007). Drinking water quality and identification of fluoritic areas in Machinga, Malawi, with Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 8: 42-56..
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2006). An analysis of long-term rainfall variability, trends and groundwater availability in the Mulunguzi River catchment area, Quaternary International 148: 45-50..
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2005). An analysis of long-term rainfall variability, trends and water availability in the Mulunguzi River catchment area, Zomba Mountain, Southern Malawi, Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 7: 34-44..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda-Joshua, Maurice Monjerezi, Felistus Chipungu, Raymond Kasei, Charles Malidadi (2021). Exploring Linkages between Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Conventional Flood Forecasting in the aftermath of Tropical Idai in Chikwawa, Malawi in Nhamo, G. & Dube, K. (Eds). Cyclones in Southern Africa Volume 2: Foundational and Fundamental Topics. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer Nature..
- Miriam Dalitso Kalanda-Joshua, Ruth Kalinga-Chirwa, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Evance Mwathunga,Raymond Kasei (2021). Climate risks effects on access to drinking water in wetland/flood prone areas: A case study of Magalasi Village, Chikwawa District, Malawi in Nhamo, G. & Chapungu, L.(Eds.). Increasing Flood Risk in Southern Africa. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer Nature.
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Tanya Stathers, Ruth Kalinga Chirwa, Cosmo Ngongondo, Richard Lamboll, Maurice Monjerezi, Evance Mwathunga, Raymond Kasei, Felistus Chipungu, Emma Liwenga (2021). A comparative study of flooding on food security of urban and rural households in Blantyre City and Chikwawa, Malawi in Nhamo, G. & Chikodzi, D. (Eds.). Cyclones in Southern Africa Volume 2: Implications for Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer Nature.
- Miriam Dalitso Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Fellistus Chipungu, Emma Liwenga, Amos Majule, Tanya Stathers, Charles Malidadi, Job Rotich Kosgei & Richard Lamboll (2020). In Matondo et al. (Eds.). Strengthening horticultural innovation systems for adaptation to effects of urbanization and climate variability in Peri-urban areas. In Matondo et al. (Eds.) Climate Variability and Change in Africa: Perspectives, Experiences and Sustainability. Springer Sustainable Development Goals Series. .
- Gertrude Jeremiah Sato, Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Fellistus Chipungu & Maurice Monjerezi (2020). Evaluation of different tillage systems for improved agricultural production in drought prone areas of Malawi. In Matondo et al. (Eds.) Climate Variability and Change in Africa: Perspectives, Experiences and Sustainability. Springer Sustainable Development Goals Series.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Willie Sagona, Daniel Jamu, Sosten Chiotha, Mathews Tsilizeni, Patrick Likongwe, Mphatso Chapotera (2018). Monitoring extreme weather events and ecosystems to enhance responsive capacity to climate change impacts, in Chiotha, S., Jamu, D., Nagoli, J., Likongwe, P. & Chanyenga T. (Eds). Socio-Ecological Resilience to Climate Change in fragile Ecosystem: The Case of lake Chilwa Basin in Malawi, Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management, Taylor and Francis.
- Miriam Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Felistus Chipungu, Charles Malidadi (2017). Relevance Of Indigenous Knowledge In Weather And Climate Forecasts For Agricultural Adaptation To Climate Variability In Malawi. In Mafogonya, P.L. & Ojayi, O.C. (Eds.) Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change Management in Africa. CTA Publications, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 978-92-9081-619-5. .
- James Chimphamba, Cosmo Ngongondo, Prince Mleta (2009). Groundwater chemistry of basement aquifers: A case study of Malawi. In Titus, R., Beekman, H., Adams, S. & Strachan, S. (Eds). Basement complex aquifers of Southern Africa. Report to the Water Research Commission. WRC Report No. TT 428-09. ISBN 978-1-77005-898-9..
- Kerapetse, C., Bushira, K.M, Ngongondo, C. (2022). A conceptual review on modeling surface-groundwater interactions in semi-arid areas. 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, Sun City, RSA .
- Ngongondo, C. (2022). Climate Change Adaptation: Role of Strategic Partnerships at the local level. Keynote Lecture, Pungue Universdad, Chimoio, Mozambique 14 September 2022..
- Jayoram,J., Gronewold, A., Askar, M., Chen, Z., Do, H.X., Mulumpwa, M., Ngongondo, C., Chavula, G. (2019). Customizing an interactive hydroclimate dashboard for large lakes in Africa AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, PA33C-1112.
- Yanlai Zhou, Chong-Yu, Xu, Shenliang Guo, FJ Chang, H Li, Cosmo Ngongondo (2019). Hybrid artificial neural network, copula and hydrologic uncertainty processor for probabilistic flood forecasting. Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, p1-1. 1p..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Yanlai Zhou, Chong-Yu Xu (2019). Non-stationary frequency analysis of extreme Lake Malawi levels. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Assembly, Session HS4.2.2/NH1.34, Vienna, Austria. .
- Yanlai Zhou, Chong-Yu Xu, Cosmo Ngongondo (2019). Hybrid artificial neural network, copula and hydrologic uncertainty processor for probabilistic flood forecasting. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Assembly, Session HS1.2.7/EOS8.1/GM2.16, Vienna, Austria..
- Petros Zuzani, Cosmo Ngongondo, Faidess Mwale, Patrick Willems (2018), Evaluation Of The GCMs CMIP5 21 St Century Simulations For The Shire River Basin in Malawi. 19th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, 31 to 2 November 2017, Livingstone, Zambia.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Samson Sajidu, Russel Chidya, Wapu O. Mulwafu (2017). Promotion of Integrated Water Resources Management Practices in the context of Climate Change and variability in Malawi: a Case Study of Lake Chilwa Basin. EXCEED Experts Book Series. Cuvilliere Publishers, Göttingen: German..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Zuze Dulanya, Tisungane Kapalamula, Daniel Jamu, Essau Chisale, Glen Riccie, Cathy Mc Nally (2017). The 2017 National Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Sun ‘N’ Sand Holiday Resort, Mangochi, Malawi, 22nd - 24th November 2017..
- Petros Nandolo Zuzani, Cosmo Ngongondo, Faidess D. Mwale, Patrick Willems (2017). Examining Trends of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes in the Shire River Basin in Malawi. 18th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, 25 to 27 October 2017, Swakopmund, Namibia..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Zuze Dulanya, Maurice Monjerezi, Samson Sajdu, Zione Uka, Mc Pherson Nkhata (2017). Comparison of recent Lake Malawi level variations from in-situ and satellite altimetry data: implications to water availability monitoring. Climate Change and water security conference, 18 to 22 September 2017, Cologne, German..
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2017). Analysis of Hydroclimatologic Changes over Malawi. World water Day Conference, Mangochi, Malawi, 22 March 2017..
- Madalitso Nangazi, Russel Chidya, Cosmo Ngongondo (2015). Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Water Resources in Rural Areas of Mangochi, Malawi. Hydrology Session, 16th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA, 28 October 2015, Mauritius..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Samson Sajidu, Zuze Dulanya, Maurice Monjerezi, Tchaka Kamanga (2015). Evaluation of changes in the Hydro-climatological regime and possible forcing factors in the Lake Malombe Basin, Malawi. Special Session, 16th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA, 28 October 2015, Mauritius.
- Elyvin Nkhonjera Chawinga, Cosmo Ngongondo, Rodney Lunduka (2015). Assessment of trends in Climate and River Discharge in the Likangala River Catchment, Southern Malawi. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Enifa Kamwaza, Blackwell Manda, Cosmo Ngongondo, An Assessment of Groundwater Potential for Irrigated Agriculture at Khwisa In Balaka District, Southern Malawi, National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies For Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi..
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2015). Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Hydrologic Extremes in the Malawi. Keynote Address, Malawi National Water Conference, World Water Day Celebrations, 21 March 2015, Mzuzu, Malawi..
- Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungu, Amos Majule, Emma Liwenga, Richard Lamboll, Tanya Stathers, Benjamin Chikusa (2015). Climate Change Perceptions and Adaptation Strategies in High Rainfall Areas of Malawi: A Case Study of Nesa Village, Mulanje District. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi..
- Willie Sagona, Cosmo Ngongondo, Zuze Dulanya, Sosten Chiotha (2015). Flood Frequency Analysis in the Lake Chilwa Basin. National Symposium on Environment and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Gertrude Jeremiah Sato, Miriam Kalanda Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Felistus Chipungu, Maurice Monjerezi (2015). Contributions of Different Tillage Systems in Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: The Case of Mpasu Village, Chikwawa District. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi. .
- Enifa Kamwaza, Blackwell Manda, Cosmo Ngongondo (2015). An Assessment of Groundwater Potential for Irrigated Agriculture at Khwisa in Balaka District, Southern Malawi. National Symposium on Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management: Towards Green Societies for Sustainable Development, October 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi. .
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Samson Sajidu, Zuze Dulanya, Maurice Monjerezi, Chimwemwe Mhango, Felix Maoni (2014). Hydro-Climatology of Lake Malobe and change impacts. Shire Basin Management Project Conference, Hydromet Session, 11-14 November 2014, Blantyre, Malawi. .
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2014). Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Hydrologic Extremes in the Malawi. World water Day Conference Keynote Presntation, Mzuzu, Malawi, 20 March 2014..
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Lu Li, Lebing Gong, Chong-Yu Xu (2012). Modelling climate change induced hydrological extremes in the Kafue River Basin in southern Africa. Proceedings of the 2012 European Geosciences Union Assembly, Large-Scale Hydrology session of Hydrological Sciences theme, 23-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Welton Phalira, Chikosa Banda, Cosmo Ngongondo, Eston Sambo (2011). Assessment of the legal and institutional framework for integrated water resources management in Mpira-Balaka rural water supply scheme. Proceedings of the 12th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 26-29 October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique. .
- Welton Phalira, Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Eston Sambo (2011). Assessment of water quality and changes in water availability in rural water supply schemes: the Mpira-Balaka rural water supply scheme, Malawi. Proceedings of the 12th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 26-29 October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique..
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Evans Mwathunga, Emma Liwenga, Tanya Stathers, Stella Ndau, Felistus Chipungu, Richard Lamboll, Amos Majule, Ulemu Munthali, Stella Ndau (2011). Exploring implications of climate change risks on rural urban agricultural/food flows and urban vulnerability in Blantyre City. Conference on Climate Change and the Environment, 19-21 October 2011. Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Maurice Monjerezi, Patrick Viyazi (2010). Comparative assessment of reliability of rooftop rainwater harvesting technologies for doemestic supply in low rainfall areas of Malawi. Proceedings of the 11th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 26 October – 29 October, Victoria falls, Zimbabwe. .
- Miriam Kalanda-Joshua, Cosmo Ngongondo, Stella Ndau, Lucy Chipeta, Felistus Chipungu, Greno Wanda, Francis Mpembeka, Rodney Mzumara (2010). Strengthening farmers capacity to adapt to rainfall variability: Lessons learnt from Mulanje and Karonga Districts, Malawi. Proceedings of the 11th Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 26 October – 29 October, Victoria falls, Zimbabwe.
- Cosmo Ngongondo, Chong-Yu Xu, Lars Gotschack, Lena M. Tallaksen, Berhanu Alemaw (2010). Temporal and spatial characteristics of annual and seasonal rainfall in Malawi. Proceedings of the 2010 European Geosciences Union Assembly, Hydrological change: Future projections of hydrological behaviour session, 02-10 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. .
- Dwight Kambuku, Evans Kaseke, Cosmo Ngongondo, Hoodson Makurira (2009). Assessment of conjunctive use of small dams and groundwater for sustainable rural livelihoods in semi-arid area: Case of Lilongwe West Rural Groundwater Supply Project area. Proceedings of the 10th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 30 October – 2 November 2009, Kampala, Uganda. .
- Jacinta Chipwaira, Zvikomborero Hoko, Cosmo Ngongondo (2009). Assessment of unaccounted for water for public water utilities in Malawi: A Case Study of The Southern Region Water Board’s Zomba Scheme. Proceedings of the 10th annual Waternet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, 30 October – 2 November 2009, Kampala, Uganda. .
- Kalanda-Sabola, M., Ngongondo, C., Chimphamba, J., Majule, A., Liwenga, E., Lamboll, R., Stathers,T., Gibson,R., Chikusa,B., Chiwatakwenda, A., Gausi, H., Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies in High and Low Rainfall Areas of Malawi and Tanzania: Case Studies of 16 Villages., 2nd ANAFE International Symposium “Mainstreaming climate change into Agricultural Education: Tools, Experiences and challenges”, Lilongwe, Malawi, 28th July-1st August, 2008. .
- Cosmo Ngongondo (2004). Detection of long term rainfall trends and its effect on a derived effective precipitation index in Mulunguzi catchment, southern Malawi. Proceedings of the International Conference “Climate Change: a challenge or a threat for water management”. 27-29 September 2004, The Rai, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. .
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