Jonas Mwatseteza, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Academic Skills and Careers

Brief profile
Jonas F. Mwatseteza is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at the University of Malawi,
specialising in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. He has working experience with various Chemistry Laboratory Instrumentation
(Gas Chromatography (GC), Mass Spectrometry–Gas Chromatography (GC-MS), High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
(AAS – both Flame and Electrothermal), Ultraviolet Visible – Spectrometry (UV-Vis), Electrophorescence, Ion Chromatography, Infra-Red Spectrometry.
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- Ephraim Vunain, Chosadziwa Nkhuzenje, Jonas Mwatseteza and samson Sajidu (2019) Groundwater quality assessment from Phalombe Plain, Malawi, ChemSearch Journal 10 1-10
- Mtewa A.G. K., Biswick T. T., Mwatseteza J. F. (2017) Antioxidant Potential and Total Phenolic Changes in Malawian Herbal Formulations Stored In Clay Pots and Plastic Bottles, The Journal of Free Radicals and Antioxidants 144 479-494
- Bosco Rusuwa, Jonas Mwatseteza and Wisdom Changadeya. Mass fish kills in aquatic ecosystems: A review of the dynamics and their potential relevance for Lake Malawi. Malawi Journal of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Development Studies (MAJANDS), 1 (2015) 54-59
- Limbikani Matumba, Christof Van Poucke, Timothy Biswick, Maurice Monjerezi, Jonas Mwatseteza, Sarah De Saeger (2014) A limited survey of mycotoxins in traditional maize based opaque beers in Malawi, Food Control, 39 253 - 256.
- Limbikani Matumba, Maurice Monjerezi, Timothy Biswick, Jonas Mwatseteza, Wilkson Makumba, David Kamangira, Alfred Mtukuso (2014). A survey of the incidence and level of aflatoxin contamination in a range of locally and imported processed foods on Malawian retail market, Food Control, 36 87 - 91.
- L. Matumba, M. Monjerezi, C. Van Poucke, T. Biswick, J. Mwatseteza, S. De Saeger (2013) Evaluation of the bright greenish yellow fluorescence test as a screening technique for aflatoxin-contaminated maize in Malawi, World Mycotoxin Journal, 6 367 - 373.
- Frank Ngonda, Zakalia Magombo, Placid Mpeketul and Jonas Mwatseteza (2012) Evaluation of Malawian Vernonia glabra (Steetz)Vatke leaf and Securidaca longepedunculata (Fresen) root extracts for antimicrobial activities, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2 26-33
- Samson Sajidu, Chikumbusho Kayira, Wellington Masamba and Jonas Mwatseteza (2012) Deflouridation of Groundwater Using Raw Bauxite: Rural Domestic Defluoridation Technology Environment and Natural Resources Research, 2 1 – 9.
- Chidya, R.C.G., Sajidu, S.M.I., Mwatseteza, J.F., and Masamba, W.R.L (2011), Evaluation and assessment of water quality in Likangala River and its catchment area, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36 865 – 871.
- Wanda, E., Monjerezi, M., Mwatseteza, J.F. and Kazembe, L.N., (2011) Hydrogeochemical appraisal of groundwater quality from weathered basement aquifers in Northern Region of Malawi, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36 1197-1207
- Jonas F. Mwatseteza, Felix Maoni and Lyson John Kampira in K. Ramanathan, K. Jacobs and M. Bandyopadhyay (2011) (Editors): Technology Transfer and Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. The Role of Science and Technology for the Development and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Malawi, NAM S&T Centre, Daya, India.
- LM Mataka, SMI Sajidu, WRL Masamba, JF Mwatseteza (2010) Cadmium sorption by Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oleifera seed powders. Batch, time, temperature, pH and adsorption isotherm studies, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. 3 50–59.
- J.F. Mwatseteza and N. Torto (2010), Profiling volatile compounds from Mucuna beans by solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-high resolution time of flight mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 119 386 – 390.
- S.M.I. Sajidu, Masamba, W.R.L., Thole, B., Mwatseteza, J.F. (2008) Groundwater fluoride levels in villages of Southern Malawi and removal studies using bauxite. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 3 001 – 011.
- Jonas Mwatseteza and Nelson Torto (2007) Amperometric Detection of 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine (l-dopa) in Raw and Cooked Mucuna Bean Seeds Employing Micro-HPLC. Chromatographia 66 811 – 813
- Nelson Torto, Lesego Mmualefe, Jonas F. Mwatseteza, Bonang Nkoane, L. Chimuka, M.M. Nindi, A.O. Ogunfowokan (2007) Sample preparation for chromatography: An African perspective, Journal of Chromatography A, 1153 1 – 13.
- Nelson Torto, E. Peloewetse, B. Lobelo, J. Mwatseteza (2006) Profiling of Wastewater Effluent from A Beverage Industry By Microdialysis sampling And A Combination of Analytical Techniques, Environmental Science An Indian Journal 1 1-7.
- W.R.L. Masamba, S.M. Sajidu, B. Thole, J.F. Mwatseteza (2005), Water defluoridation using Malawi’s locally sourced gypsum, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 30 846 – 849
- Torto, N., Mwaseteza, J. and Sawula, G (2002). Study of Microdialysis Sampling of Metal Ions, Analytica Chimica Acta 456 253 – 261
- Nelson Torto, Jonas Mwatseteza and Thomas Laurell (2001), Microdialysis Sampling, Challenges and New Frontiers, LC–GC 19 462 – 475
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